Class List
Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:Accel3D | The basic unit FROG works on |
Accel3D | The basic unit FROG works on |
AccelEvent | AccelEvents represent a single acceleration that has come from a device |
AccelManager | Listens to Switch1 and samples acceleration data when it is pressed |
Bayesian | Bayesian is a classifier that uses Bayesian conditional probability to classify gestures |
BluetoothPlugin | |
Classifier | A classifier object contains a set of GestureModel's with which to classify gesture instances against |
ClassifierTestFile | |
ConnectionManager | Manages the connection to the host |
CowSprite | Represents a single cow on the screen |
DemoController | The DemoController manages all Sprites and sound in the game |
DemoGame | The main class for the Demo mode of FROG |
DemoPanel | The DemoPanel is the screen that displays before the game is launched |
Device | A Device object represents everything a Plugin should need to perform operations between a host and device |
DeviceDialog | DeviceDialog is a modal JDialog that appears when the user wishes to select a device and filters |
DeviceList | Special list model for use with the FROGUI |
DeviceListener | Interface for listening to a device |
DevicePanel | Displays a Device's status |
DirectorialEquivalence | Filter for removing vectors based on the vectors that come before them |
DirectorialEquivalence | Filter for removing vectors based on the vectors that come before them |
DirectorialEquivalenceFilter | This filter takes the magnitude of a vector and compares it to the last vector's magnitude |
EvaluationBarGraph | EvalutionBarGraph is a specialized JPanel that displays the correct/incorrect/not recognized statistic for a GestureModel |
EvaluationBarGraphs | EvaluationBarGraphs is a specialized JTabbedPane that is tied to a given gesture session |
EvaluationPanel | EvaluationPanel contains the GUI elements for graphing experiments with the device in an attempt to analyze its accuracy |
ExternalConsoleDialog | ExternalConsoleDialog is a non-modal JDialog that contains a JTextArea |
FileManagement | Static FROGUI methods for saving and loading Session files |
Filter | Common interface for all Filters |
Filter | Common interface for all Filters |
Filter | Common interface for all Filters |
FilterManager | Manages all filtering on the SPOT |
FilterTestFile | |
Frog | Main class for FROG |
Frog_Spot_Constants | |
FrogSpot | Main class for FROG interaction using a Sun SPOT |
FROGUI | Main class for the Team Better Recognize GUI for FROG |
GestureEditDialog | Dialog for editing gestures called from GestureGridPanel |
GestureGridPanel | GestureGridPanel is the JPanel that appears on the right side of the TrainPanel |
GestureHMM | GestureHMM is a modeling class that represents a gesture |
GestureHMMParameters | GestureHMMParameters is a simple record class for easier passing of GestureHMM parameters |
GestureModel | GestureModel is an interface for classes that attempt to serve as a model structure for gestures |
GesturePanel | Represents a single gesture |
IdleState | Filter for removing vectors based on their magnitude |
IdleState | Filter for removing vectors based on their magnitude |
IdleStateFilter | This filter takes the magnitude of a vector and checks it against a given threshold |
Killable | Interface for providing a method to quickly destroy all running threads and free all resources contained in a class |
Kmeans | Kmeans is a Quantizer implementation that utilizes the k-means algorithm (as well as k-means++ if requested) to select appropriate representatives (that is, build its codebook) |
Kmeans | Kmeans is a Quantizer implementation that utilizes the k-means algorithm (as well as k-means++ if requested) to select appropriate representatives (that is, build its codebook) |
KmeansParameters | KmeansParameters is a simple record class for easier passing of Kmeans parameters |
KmeansParameters | KmeansParameters is a simple record class for easier passing of Kmeans parameters |
KmeansTestFile | |
Log | Special class for logging all data to the command prompt, JTextAreas in a GUI, and a chosen plain-text log file |
MainPanel | MainPanel is the opening page for the FROG GUI |
Message | Helper class for sending messages to a Sun SPOT |
Player | Represents a single player of the DemoGame |
PlayerPanel | PlayerPanel is used to represent a single player on the DemoPanel |
Plot2D | Draws a simple line graph of one or more series of data |
Plot3D | Panel containing a 3D representation of incoming accelerations from the user |
Plugin | This interface should be implemented by any developer seeking to write code that will allow them to use their device with the FROG Recognizer of Gestures |
Quantizer | Quantizer is an interface for classes that serve as data quantizers |
Quantizer | Quantizer is an interface for classes that serve as data quantizers |
RecognitionPanel | RecognitionPanel allows up to four users to start using a previously trained Session to recognize gestures they have created |
RecognitionSectionPanel | RecognitionSectionPanel is a sub-panel of RecognitionPanel used to represent each User |
Session | Session is the FROG representation of a single user |
SessionListener | SessionListener stands as a level of abstraction between a user of Frog and an actual Device (DeviceListener) |
SpotConnection | SpotConnection is a peer-to-peer connection with a single SPOT |
SpotPlugin | Plugin for the FROG system allowing the use of Sun Microsystem's SPOTs as a device |
SpringUtilities | A 1.4 file that provides utility methods for creating form- or grid-style layouts with SpringLayout |
Sprite | |
TerminalMenu | TerminalMenu is a class for quickly generating the "Terminal" drop-down menu common to every mode |
TrainingParametersDialog | Dialog for choosing gesture training settings such as how to model the gesture and what thresholds to use |
TrainPanel | TrainPanel represents the Training mode for FROG |
UFOSprite | Represents a single UFO in the DemoGame |
User | This class is the FROGUI abstraction for Session |