FROG Recognizer of Gestures

The following is a summary of the weekly activity reports presented by each team member every week. Note that E.T. stands for "estimated time" and A.T. for "actual time" for each task. All times are given in hours.

Weekly Activity Reports

Week of April 19th

Task Developer Status E.T. A.T. Comments
Javadocs Josh Completed 2 4
Developer's Guide Josh In Progress 3 1
Testing and Documentation Josh In Progress 6 2
Presentation / DVD Josh In Progress 2 2
Evaluation Panel / DVD Josh Completed 0 10 Removed split pane usage and reworked the layout scheme. Moved the gesture prompter to a more appropriate position.
Schedule Ford In Progress 5 5
Finalize User Manual Ford In Progress 5 5
Test Cases Ford In Progress 5 5
Documentation Sneha In progress 3 5 Updating SRS and Design Document (With actual math algorithms,) edited test plan
Testing (Math) Sneha Completed 3 6 Create a test program to check filtering and kmeans
Demo Philip Completed 7 7 Sounds added to the demo game
Developer's guide Philip In Progress 5 5
Multi plugin compatability Philip In Progress 10 10
Test cases Alex Completed 5 5 system testing
Documentation Alex In Progress 4 7 reviewing all documentation
website update Alex Completed 1 1 WAR updates
Evaluation Panel Configuration José In Progress 10 10 Changed configuration from Evaluation Panel, Now it uses a split panel to separate the statistics table and graph. It allows the user to view either the table or the graph only and to modify the size of those sections when viewing both. An issue has, however, arrise with the statistics panel. It will not reduce in size for some reason. The only way of reducing size is to make it non visible and then dragging the panel boundary...
Evaluation Panel Check Boxes Issue solved José In Progress 4 4 Now Check boxes behave as they should during evaluation.

Week of April 12th

Task Developer Status E.T. A.T. Comments
NTASC powerpoint Philip Completed 4 4
NTASC demo videos Philip Completed 10 10 videos to be looped in the powerpoint
Evaluation Panel Josh Completed 4 10 Added checkbox functionality for evaluation sessions. Removed the "ignore gesture feature. Overhauled bar graphs due to bugs (now a static version)"
User Manual Josh Completed 1 1 Thorough editing/read-through for content and errors
GUI testing / bug fixing Josh Completed 4 4 Tested GUI for valid display of current status (e.g.) updating labels on session loading.) Fixed DeviceDalog to correctly display the current FROG filters if a session has any active filters
User Manual Ford in progress 10 10 User manual now 95% complete
SRS poster Sneha Completed 6 15 Created training for game for SRS, presentation setup, talking points for presentation
SRS Alex Completed 6 6 setup and actual SRS
Test plan Alex Completed 10 9 revisions made, multiple test cases added
Plot 2D José Completed 5 5 New plot 2D up and running. It was done without external libraries. It uses however, various code available online.
Evaluation Panel statistics. José In Progress 7 5 Statistics now update lively. The update is animated. Graphs boundaries update dinamically (auto scale)
2D, 3D plot animations José Aborted 7 7 Attempted to make 2d and 3d plot animated when they are set to display an existing gesture's whole data. In the end, the group decided to not do it this way.

Week of April 5th

Task Developer Status E.T. A.T. Comments
NTASC Presentation Josh Completed 4 4 Slideshow editing, dry runs, insertion of Wiigee comparison
SRS Poster Josh and Sneha Completed 4 6 Editing, proofreading, etc. of poster. Wiigee comparison performed (Statistical test of FROG performance)
User Manual, NTASC and SRS Ford Completed 15 15 User manual, preparation for NTASC and SRS
SRS Alex Completed 3 3
Test plan Alex In Progress 6 10 Ready for peer review
Javadoc Philip Completed 4 4 Javadoc done for everything currently in FROG
Demo Philip Completed 25 25 most of demo rewritten
Poster Sneha In progress 5 8 Completed and turned in. Compared performance of FROG to Wiigee.
Plot 2D José Aborted 10 10 Unsuccessfully tried fix the 2D plot from its bad performance and from printing to screen random lines. Now the decission has been made to work either using a different library or make our own.
New Plot 2D José In Progress 7 5 working on a new plot 2D, from scratch.
Debugging GUI José In Progress 3 4 Debugging miscelaneous problems in evaluation pannel and FROGUI

Week of March 29th

Task Developer Status E.T. A.T. Comments
User Manual Alex In Progress 6 6
FROG testing Alex Completed 4 5 various tests
Evaluation Panel Josh Completed 2 3 Fixing button enabling/ functionality for evaluation sessions
Connecting session to Grid Panel Josh Completed 1 2 Continued conversion to new train panel display
Model + Quantizer Josh Completed 3 6 Simplified parameters container classes. Modified data flow in GestureHmm / Kmeans to increase extensibility and ease of use. KmeansPP removed in favor of a "Plus Plus" boolean parameter for Kmeans
Logging Josh Completed 1 2 Turned off unnecessary prints added/modified logging capabilities of Kmeans, Gesture Hmm, and Bayesian
User manual Ford Completed 15 15 Revised User manual
Poster Sneha In Progress 2 3 Good draft of poster, need screenshots, etc.
Math Sneha Completed 5 5 Worked on redesign of GestureHMM and Kmeans.
User manual Philip In Progress 5 5 user manual rewriting and screenshots
Coding fixes Philip Completed 6 6 Various monir fixes to FROG connection and Log
Train panel Philip Completed 10 10 Huge change to train panel, no longer using JTrees
Evaluation Panel Statistics José In Progress 7 5 Statistics now update lively. The update is animated. Graphs boundaries update dinamically (auto scale)
Plot 3D José In Progress 10 15 Now I am back to fix the 3d Plot. Auto-scaling and fixation of origin were re-implemented from scratch. Central vector is now visible as the graph gets drawn. Also, parameters were changed to bring it back to its former performance.

Week of March 15th and 22nd

Task Developer Status E.T. A.T. Comments
Abstract Josh Completed 1 2 SRS/NTASC abstracts finalized
Gesture Model Josh Completed 2 2 Added Image association and statistical capabilities
Session Changes Josh Completed 4 10 Substantial overhaul of Session: Increased accessibility and modifiability of session, Gesture HMM and K-means
Train Panel JTree Josh Aborted 2 6 Tree structure for gestures in train panel implemented but aborted for an easier and more effective grid interface (to be finalized)
Demo game Alex In Progress 15 25 ready to be plugged into frog
User Manual Alex In Progress 10 12
SPOT code Philip Completed 3 3 Fixed sampling rate
Website Philip Completed 1 1 Website fixes and addons
Serialization Philip Completed 5 5 FROG can now save and load sessions
Game, developer guide and Uer manual Ford Completed 15 15 worked on game, developer guide and user manual
Game Ford Completed 10 10 Worked on game, but mostly on user manual
abstract Sneha Completed 2 4 Done for SRS and Nort Texas
Math Sneha Completed 4 4 Work with session overhaul.
Updates to User Interface José Completed 10 10 Miscelaneous changes to Evaluation panel, Training and Recognition too. Evaluation panel now updates as gestures are recognized. Recognition needed some debugging.
Evaluation Panel Statistics José In Progress 10 10 New library added for statistics: JccKit. Demo was created to showcase the functionalities we need and test performance. A prototype has been added to FROGui.

Weeks of March 8th

Task Developer Status E.T. A.T. Comments
Updating documents to 3.0 Josh Completed 2 2
Integrating serialization Josh Completed 5 5
Testing training validity Josh Completed 4 4
Testing, Recognition, JTree, and documentation Sneha Completed 6 6
Recognition, Evaluation mode, evaluation and abstract Sneha In Progress 10 10
Communication, Serialization, and JTree in Recognition. Phillip Completed 10 10
Documentation Ford In Progress 10 10
Demo Ford In Progress 3 3
Documentation Alex In Progress 4 4
Demo Alex In Progress 5 5
Make Evaluation mode functional José In Progress 10 10

Week of March 1st

Task Developer Status E.T. A.T. Comments
Recognition, evaluation mode and abstract Josh In Progress 14 14 GestureModel now can track statistics for each gesture, GUI table/display still being implemented.
Recognition, evaluation mode and abstract Sneha In Progress 10 10
debugging and re-writing the plot Phillip In Progress 9 9
Documentation and Demo. Ford In Progress 13 13
Documentation and Demo Alex In Progress 9 9
3d plotting and other GUI stuff José Aborted 10 10 Developed a separate data structure to feed both 3D and 2D plots more efficiently (without repeating operations for each one.) And to make all the necessary calculations out of the data to produce the right plot scaling and positioning of elements. Plotting works with the desired speed and efficiency and only needs some debugging.

Week of February 8th

Task Developer Status E.T. A.T. Comments
Finalizing Session class and integration of training mode with GUI Josh In Progress 10 10
Finalizing Session class and integration of training mode with GUI Sneha In Progress 10 10
Applying some design changes to GUI and integrating to changes in communication and training mode. José In Progress 10 10
Documentation and demo game Ford In Progress 10 10
Documentation and demo game Alex In Progress 10 10
Communication Phillip In Progress 10 10

Week of February 1st

Task Developer Status E.T. A.T. Comments
Implementation of Baum-Welch algorithms and testing of HMMs, sessions. Josh In progress 10 8 Baum-Welch done, finalizing sessions and pipelines
Implementation of Baum-Welch algorithms and testing of HMMs, sessions. Sneha In progress 10 3
Integration of back end components, device plug-ins and GUI. José In progress 10 7
Documentation and demo game Ford In progress 10 7 Skeleton uploaded to SVN, will flesh out this week.
Documentation and demo game Alex In progress 10 7
Re-Doing communication for streaming live acceleration vectors. Phillip In progress 10 10
Preparing Iteration 2 Presentation Everyone Completed 4 5

Week of January 25th

Task Developer Status E.T. A.T. Comments
HMMs and integrating K-means and filtering with GUI Josh In progress 9 20 K-Means++ is implemented and HMMs class is defined but still needs testing
HMMs and integrating K-means and filtering with GUI Sneha In progress 10 15
GUI 3D representation of data and integration with other components José In progress 10 20 3D and 2D graphics are functional and ready using JMathPlot library and integration of devices almost finished for the whole GUI. Graphic displays on GUI are able to receive live streaming of acceleration vectors and plot them in real time.
Communications and demo game Ford In progress 10 14
Communications and demo game Alex In progress 10 15
Communications and demo game Phillip In progress 10 25 Communication was harder than thought, but we are "in good shape" with it.

Week of January 18th

Task Developer Status E.T. A.T. Comments
HMMs, K-means, and design Josh In progress 10 11 K-means working but needs more testing. Test program ready. Moving to work on HMM next week
HMMs, K-means, and design Sneha In progress 10 10
GUI José In progress 10 7
Communication Ford In progress 10 8
Communication Alex In progress 10 7
Communication Phillip In progress 10 24

Week of January 11th

Task Developer Status E.T. A.T. Comments
Filtering & K-Means Josh Complete 10 8 K-means working but needs more testing. Test program ready. Moving to work on HMM next week
Filtering & K-Means Sneha Complete 10 6
GUI José In progress 10 7
Communication Ford In progress 10 7
Communication Alex In progress 10 7
Communication Phillip In progress 10 7

Week of December 6th

Task Developer Status E.T. A.T. Comments
Sun SPOT programming Ford In progress 4 4
Sun SPOT programming Alex In progress 4 4
Sun SPOT programming Phillip In progress 4 4
Presentation Everyone Completed 4 4
Schedule Everyone In progress 1 0

Week of November 30th

Task Developer Status E.T. A.T. Comments
Design Document Presentation Everyone Complete many many
Math and Research Josh In progress 4 4
Math and Research Sneha In progress 4 2
GUI José In progress 10 5
GUI Phillip In progress 10 10
Sun SPOT Programming Ford In progress 10 10
Sun SPOT Programming Alex In progress 10 6
Sun SPOT Programming Phillip In progress 3 0

Week of November 23rd

Task Developer Status E.T. A.T. Comments
GUI Programming Phillip In progress 5 0
GUI Programming José In progress 5 5
Math and Algorithms Research Josh In progress 5 0
Math and Algorithms Research Sneha In progress 5 0
Sun SPOT Programming Ford In progress 5 0
Sun SPOT Programming Alex In progress 5 10
Sun SPOT Programming Phillip In progress 1 1
User and Developer Manuals Ford In progress 2 1
Design Document Phillip Complete 5 1 Document submitted and waiting for feedback.
Design Document Josh Complete 7 1 Document submitted and waiting for feedback.
Design Document Sneha Complete 7 1 Document submitted and waiting for feedback.
Design Document José Complete 6 1 Document submitted and waiting for feedback.
Design Document Ford Complete 3 1 Document submitted and waiting for feedback.
Design Document Alex Complete 1 1 Document submitted and waiting for feedback.

Week of November 16th

Task Developer Status E.T. A.T. Comments
SRS revision Josh Complete 4 4 Document submitted.
SRS revision Sneha In progress 4 7
SRS revision José Complete 4 6
Design Document Josh In progress 5 7 Work in progress.
Design Document Phillip In progress 5 11
Design Document Sneha In progress 5 6 Work in progress.
Design Document José In progress 5 4
User guide & developer guide Alex In progress 4.5 0
User guide & developer guide Ford In progress 4.5 3
Miscellaneous web site fixes José Complete 0.5 1
Math Research, Classifiers on Wiigee Sneha In progress 4 0
Math Research, Classifiers on Wiigee Josh In progress 4 0
GUI Phillip To do 3 0
GUI José To do 3 0
Sun SPOT Programming Alex In progress 5 7 Got sunspots to communicate and managed to get acceleration vectors as double integer values.
Sun SPOT Programming Ford In progress 5 4.5

Week of November 9th

Task Developer Status E.T. A.T. Comments
SRS revision José In progress 4 3 Miscellaneous modifications in the documents and the GUI prototype section.
SRS revision Sneha In progress 4 3.5 Use cases and Architecture diagrams still need some modifications.
Project Plan Revision Alex Complete 3 3
Design Document Section 1 Alex Complete 3 3 Work in progress.
Project Plan Revision Josh Complete 1 3
System architecture diagram for design document Josh In progress 4 3 Architecture diagram, architecture class diagram, and package diagrams designed.
Sun SPOT Testing Phillip In progress 5 4 Discovered that Sun SPOTs do not support serialization. This forces some design changes on the communication between SPOTs and the system.
Class Diagrams Planning Phillip In progress 4 1 Could not continue without discussing with team.
Design Document Template Ford Complete 4 1 Provided by Dr. Payne
Master Schedule Revision Ford Complete 2 1
Project Plan Revision Ford Complete 2 3
Design Document Ford, Alex, Phillip, Josh Complete 4 4
Class Diagram Ford, Alex, Phillip, Josh Complete 4 4

Week of November 2nd

Task Developer Status E.T. A.T. Comments
Changes to Master Schedule Ford Complete 1 3 Schedule is complete
Revision to Project Plan Ford Complete 2 4
SRS Revision Josh Complete 7 7
Use-case Diagrams Josh In progress 2 2 Some diagrams pending to be done, need to write some sequence descriptions.
Project Plan Revision Josh Complete 2 2
Use-case Diagrams Sneha In progress 3 3
Requirements Document Revision Sneha In progress 2.5 2.5 Hopefully done by tomorrow
Requirements Document Revision Alex Complete 2 2 Had to re-do the architecture diagram
Project Plan Revision Alex In progress 5 5 Awaiting feedback team members
Requirements Document Revision Phillip Complete 4 4
Use-case Diagrams Phillip In progress 3.5 3.5 Still working on it
Project Plan Revision Phillip In progress 1 1 Important modification: Zigby is not used by Sun SPOTs
Web site José In progress 3 3 Finished some of the main sections of the web site. Still some content missing and waiting for revision.
Finishing GUI prototype for requirements document José In progress 4 4 Secondary windows added. Applied changes on the last revisions by Dr. Payne and team. Prototype is almost finished.

Week of October 26th

Task Developer Status E.T. A.T. Comments
Project Plan Revision Alex Complete 2 4 v1.1 ready for submission.
Master Schedule Ford In progress 4 4 Met with team to finalize dates.
Project Plan Review Josh Complete 4 4
wiigee Research Josh In progress 5 5 Still has many questions. It is not clear if the software works as we think, apparently important sections of the code are unreachable.
GUI Josh & José Complete 2 2 Met with José to work on some details of the GUI.
wiigee Research Sneha In progress 3 3 Time invested on understanding the code of the wiigee project.
Project Plan Revision Sneha Complete 4 4
SRS Meeting Everyone Complete 2 2
Requirements bullet point outline Phillip In progress 10 10 Almost completed outline of the requirements, to be used as a reference for the SRS requirements.
Project Plan Revision Phillip Complete 0 2 Ready for submission.
Web re-design José In progress 10 16 Redesign of the web site. Structure is ready, but still missing meaningful content in some areas.
Paper prototype for user interface José In progress 5 10 Prototype was developed using Microsoft Visio and submitted for revision to the team and supervisor. There are still some minor details to be implemented in it.
Web site José In progress 3 3 Finished some of the main sections of the web site. Still some content missing and waiting for revision.
Finishing GUI prototype for requirements document José In progress 4 4 Secondary windows added. Applied changes on the last revisions by Dr. Payne and team. Prototype is almost finished.

Week of October 19th

Task Developer Status E.T. A.T. Comments
SRS Workshop Everyone In progress 5 5
Math & Algorithms Josh In progress 7 8
Math & Algorithms Sneha In progress 9 9
SRS Algorithms Appendix Josh In progress 3 2
Project Plan Josh In progress 2 1 Overall editing
Project Plan Ford In progress 2 2
Project Plan Alex In progress 3 3
Subversion server maintenance & project monitoring Phillip In progress 2 2
Web site editing Alex In progress 1 1

Week of October 12th

Task Developer Status E.T. A.T. Comments
Web site development Alex In progress 4 4
Web site development Phillip In progress 4 5
Study of Gesture Recognition Algorithms Sneha In progress 11 11
Study of Gesture Recognition Algorithms Josh In progress 5.5 5.5
Activity Reports and SRS Templates José Complete 3.5 3.5
Background Research José In progress 3 5
Study and Understanding of Sun SPOTs Everyone Complete 3.5 3.5
Project Plan Phillip In progress 5 5
Project Plan Ford In progress 4 5