See what all we've been up to! Our weekly activity reports (WARs) provide you with details of what we've been working on during the last week.

April 2017

April 24 - May 5

Tasks Assigned To Estimated Time Actual Time Status Comments
Practice Presentation All 2 hours 8 hours Completed
Presentation Preparation All 2 hours 6 hours Completed
Documentation Editing All 5 hours 45 hours Completed
Documentation Formatting Rebecca 5 hours 10 hours Completed
Developer's Guide Harrison 5 hours 15 hours Completed
User Manual - Admin Cameron 5 hours 1 hour 5% Complete
User Manual - Admin Rebecca 5 hours 15 hours Completed
User Manual - Participants Rebecca 5 hours 4 hours Completed
User Manual - Organization Will 5 hours 8 hours Completed
Edit Brazos Abstract Rebecca 1 hour 1 hour Completed
Design Doc Rebecca 3 hours 3 hours Completed

April 16 - April 23

Tasks Assigned To Estimated Time Actual Time Status Comments
SRS Event All 4 hours 3 hours Completed
SRS Poster All 2 hours 5 hours Completed
Presentation Preparation All 2 hours 2 hours Ongoing
Documentation Editing All 5 hours 5 hours Ongoing
Documentation Formatting Rebecca 5 hours 2 hours Ongoing
Developer's Guide Harrison 5 hours 6 hours
User Manual Cameron, Steven 8 hours
Implement SSL Certificate for HTTPS Steven 1 hour 11 hours 99% Complete Underestimated difficulty; Working on automatic certificate renewal
Name Tag Research Rebecca 10 hours 5 hours Completed
Name Tag Consolidation Harrison 5 hours
Add Abstract to Brazos Rebecca 1 hour 1 hour Completed
Place Schedule Page behind Login Screen Cameron 5 hours
Design Doc Image Updating Will 3 hours
Design Doc Rebecca 8 hours 9 hours 90% Complete
Design Doc Harrison 20 hours 15 60% Complete
Password Protect Schedule/Reports Harrison 5 hours 3 hours Complete

March 28, 2017 - April 15, 2017

Tasks Assigned To Estimated Time Actual Time Status Comments
Docker Integration Harrison 20 hours 30 hours Completed
Name Tag Consolidation Rebecca 10 hours 3 hours 10% Complete Mostly research done
EYH Event All 8 hours 8 hours Completed
Nametag Bug Fixes Harrison 1 hour 2 hours Completed
Adjust Database Backup Time Steven 1 hour 1 hour Completed
SRS Poster Information Harrison, Steven, Rebecca 3 hours 12 hours Completed
Requirements Document Rebecca 5 hours 8 hours Completed
Documentation Formatting Rebecca 5 hours 5 hours Completed
Captcha Research Will 8 hours 10 hours Completed reCAPTCHA implemented on both front and back end
Project Plan Will 2 hours 3 hours Completed
Design Document Will 4 hours 8 hours 90% Complete Will be done by next WAR
Admin Panel Updates Cameron 3 hours 3 hours 90% Complete
User Manual Cameron, Steven 10 hours 7 hours 50% Complete

March 2017

March 20, 2017 - March 27, 2017

Tasks Assigned To Estimated Time Actual Time Status Comments
Insert late students All 1 hour 1 hour Completed
Report Updating Harrison, Rebecca 8 hours 10 hours Completed
Misc Fixes and Testing Harrison 30 hours 30 hours Completed
SRS Poster Design Rebecca 3 hours 3 hours Completed
Meeting with Dr. Moore Cameron, Harrison 1 hour 1 hour Completed

March 6, 2017 - March 20, 2017

Tasks Assigned To Estimated Time Actual Time Status Comments
Print Reports Steven 1 hour 1 hour Completed
Peer Reviews All 3 hours 3 hours Completed
Database Backup Steven 2 hours 3 hours Completed
Verifying Database Data Cameron 2 hours 2 hours Completed
Nametag Generation Harrison 20 hours 20 hours 95% Complete
Scheduling Algorithm Integration Harrison 10 hours 10 hours Completed
Scheduling Algorithm Testing Harrison 10 hours 10 hours Completed
Scheduling Algorithm Research and Development Harrison 40 hours 40 hours Completed
Meeting with Dr. Moore Cameron, Harrison 1 hour 1 hour Completed

February 2017

February 25, 2017 - March 5, 2017

Tasks Assigned To Estimated Time Actual Time Status Comments
Logging for Scheduling and Reporting Will 4 hours 1 hour Not Complete
Database Backup Steven 2 hours 3 hours 99% Complete Need to contact Dr. Zhang to backup to TxWes servers
Monitoring Solution Steven 4 hours 3 hour Completed
Setup Multiple Loggers Harrison 2 hours 0 hours Not Complete
Algorith Research: Constraint Satisfaction Algorithms Harrison 10 hours 24 hours Complete Pure CSP algorithms aren't fast enough and don't work for optimization problems.
Update Scheduling Algorihtm Framework Harrison 4 hours 10 hours 90% Completed
Build Schedule Generation Algorithms Harrison 8 hours 8 hours 50% Completed Good performance on a straightforward algorithm (~80% students placed in 1st or 2nd choice). Working toward a better solution.
Scheduling Algorithm Visualization Functions Harrison 4 hours 1 hour Not Complete
Unittests for Report Generation Cameron 8 hours 2 hours 25% Complete
Cucumber Tests Cameron 8 hours 2 hours 75% Complete Still planing on adding more to cover scheduling functionality.
Update Abstract Rebecca 1 hour 1 hour Completed
Parent Workshop Option Rebecca 8 hours 10 hours 100% Complete

February 13, 2017 - February 24, 2017

Tasks Assigned To Estimated Time Actual Time Status Comments
Plan Organizer HTML Page All 2 hours 2 hours Completed
Create Organizer HTML Page Will 4 hours 4 hours Completed Completed and currently being served by Django on tabbed_organizer branch.
Create Backend Scaffolding Harrison 5 hours 5 hours Completed
Basic Report Generation Harrison 8 hours 10 hours 50% Complete PDF generation not yet implemented, only CSV report generation.
Turn Scheduling into a Package Harrison 2 hours 2 hours Completed
Implement Dummy Scheduling Harrison 2 hours 2 hours Completed
Cucumber Tests for New Features Cameron 1 hour 1.5 hours 25% Complete
Updated Abstract Rebecca 1 hour 1 hour Completed
Backup Database Steven 1 hour 1 hour 75% Complete

February 2, 2017 - February 12, 2017

Tasks Assigned To Estimated Time Actual Time Status Comments
Update Project Plan Will, Harrison 2 hours 2 hours Completed
Update Software Requirements Document Harrison 2 hours 12 hours Not Complete Revamping the Software Requirements Document.
Update Design Document Harrison 3 hours 4 hours Not Complete Revamping the Design Document and updating it to reflect the current understanding of the project.
Registration Portions of User Manual Cameron, Steven 2 hours 1 hour 10% Complete
Report Generation HTML Rebecca 2 hours 5 hours Completed
Report Editing HTML Will 2 hours 50% Complete
Presentation Preparation All 4 hours 4 hours Completed
Update Production Server Password Steven 1 hour 1 hour Completed
Update MySQL Password Steven 1 hour 0 hours Not Started Will require scheduled outage to update any db-dependancies.
Parent Workshop Option Will 5 hours 0 hours Not Started Delayed to focus on organizer HTML
Database Backup Cameron, Steven 2 hours 1 hour 50% Complete
UTF-8 Bug Fix Harrison 3 hours 0 hours Not Started Not started due to extra time required by Software Requirements Document and because the precise behavior of non-standard charactars has not been decided yet. This behavior will be documented in the Software Requirements.
Python modwsgi Setup Bug Fix Harrison 3 hours 3 hours Completed Production site failed to restart after system reset on Friday Feb. 10th. The team was not notified and did not notice the site went down until Sunday Feb. 12th. The culprit was a default stting within the modwsgi setup.
Create Project Abstract Rebecca 2 hours 2 hours Completed
Regex for form pages Steven 4 hours 0 hours Not Started

January 2017

January 26, 2017 - February 1, 2017

Tasks Assigned To Estimated Time Actual Time Status Comments
Update Project Plan Will, Cameron 2 hours 0 hours Not started
Update Requirements Document Harrison, Will, Rebecca 2 hours 1 hour 50% Complete
Update Design Document Harrison, Steven 2 hours 2 hours 33% Complete
Registration Portions of User Manual Cameron, Steven 2 hours 0 hours Not started
Error Page for missing tokens Will 1 hour 1 hour Completed
Report Generation HTML Rebecca 2 hours 1 hour 25% Complete
Report Editing HTML Will 2 hours 2 hours 90% Complete Need to implement validation so that you can't press submit before filling out form
Production Deployment: Go-Live Harrison 3 hours 3 hours Completed
No Preference Topic Selection Functionality Harrison 1 hour 1 hour Completed
Improve and Fix Presenter Registration From Harrison 2 hours 2 hours Completed Add hidden dropdown for non-primary presenters to select their associated workshop.
Student Signature Form Harrison 1 hour 1 hour Completed
Little/Big Fixes for Release Harrison, Rebecca 2 hours 10 hours Completed
Manual Testing for Release All 5 hours 5 hours Completed

January 18, 2017 - January 25, 2017

Tasks Assigned To Estimated Time Actual Time Status Comments
Update Documentation Harrison, Will, Cameron 10 hours 7 hours Ongoing
Fix/Improve Unit Tests and Templates Harrison 1 hour 1 hour Completed
Fix Double-Click Bug Rebecca 3 hours 5 hours Completed
Meet with Dr. Moore Will, Rebecca, Harrison 1 hour 1.5 hours Completed Some UI changes were suggested by Dr. Moore
Student Signature Email/Printout Cameron 2 hours 1 hour 90% Complete
Update Automated Tests Cameron 1 hour 0 hours Not started
UI Tweaks Will 1 hour 3 hours Completed
Backend Tweaks (Non-primary presenter workshop title) Will 5 hours 1 hour Completed No change needed since this was already being done for primary presenters.
Update Backup Google Forms Steven 1 hour 1 hour Completed
Security collaboration with TxWes/Dr. Zhang Steven 2 hours 1 hour Ongoing Need to implement an SSL certificate for the new server to allow for HTTPS

Winter Break

January 10, 2017 - January 17, 2017

Tasks Assigned To Estimated Time Actual Time Status Comments
Group Conference Call All 1.5 hours 1.5 hours Completed Discussed progress for the last week, plans for the this week.
Proofread and Tweak HTML Pages All 5 hours 5 hours Ongoing
Test Application All 8 hours 8 hours Ongoing
Integrate Success Pages Harrison 1 hour 1 hour Completed
Finish and Integrate Backup Forms Harrison 1 hour 1 hour Completed
Update Email Responses Harrison 3 hours 2 hours Ongoing
Add Functionality for Selecting 'Other' in Student Form Harrsion 2 hours 2 hours Completed Added an "Other" input box that appears when a student can't find their school in the dropdown.
Complete Changes to Presenter Form Harrison 4 hours 5 hours Completed
Deploy to Wesleyan Server Harrison 10 hours 10 hours Completed Able to manually deploy to Wesleyan server.
Finish Automated Use Cases Tests Cameron 5 hours 3 hours 90% Complete Bug can't click on one of the radio buttons.
Look into Parallel Automated Tests Cameron 3 hours .5 hours Completed
Check for Duplicate Entries Rebecca 5 hours 9 hours Completed
Create Error Page for Duplicate Entries Will, Rebecca 2 hours 2 hours Completed
Look Into Dynamically Filling Conference Date Will 2 hours 2 hours Incomplete Need to have a discussion about having dynamic settings entry to the system for things that will change each year, such as dates, times, etc.
Create Script to Pre-populate Production Database Steven, Rebecca 5 hours 2 hours 25% Complete List of schools collected
UI updates Rebecca, Harrison 2 hours 5 hours Completed

January 3, 2017 - January 9, 2017

Tasks Assigned To Estimated Time Actual Time Status Comments
Group Conference Call All 1.5 hours 1.5 hours Completed Discussed progress for the last week, plans for the this week.
Create snapshot of cloud server Steven 2 hours 1 hour Completed
Setup Network Configurations on server Steven 2 hours 4 hours Completed
Error Page for Duplicate Database Entry Rebecca 2 hours 2 hours 20% Complete Mostly did research. Will be implemented next WAR
Fixing warnings and errors from runtime Rebecca, Steven 6 hours 3 hour 50% Complete
Automation testing through cucumber Cameron 6 hours
Create additional success pages Will 2 hours 2 hours Completed
Create error page for invalid input Will 1 hour 1 hour Completed
Integrating Changes Harrison 5 hours 4 hours Ongoing
Automate Production Deploy with Ansible Harrison 5 hours 5 hours Completed
Test Production Deploy and Production Setup Harrison 5 hours 18 hours Completed
Clean up config files Harrison 1 hour 2 hours Completed
Stop Spammy Invalid Host Header Emails Harrison 1 hour 3.5 hours Completed The team is receiving a non-stop stream of emails for "Invalid Host Header" errors. These likely come from web crawlers.

December 26, 2016 - January 2, 2017

Tasks Assigned To Estimated Time Actual Time Status Comments
Group Conference Call All 1.5 hours 1.5 hours Completed Discussed progress for the last week, plans for the this week.
Email Confirmation HTML Page Will 1 hour 1 hour Completed Web page is completed, but will need work to dynamically insert the event date and the student's unique cancellation link.
Website Error Page Will 1 hour 1 hour Completed Completed a 404 error page that also serves as a template error page for our website.
Build Cloud Server Steven 8 hours 8 hours Completed
Configure access to cloud server Steven 6 hours 6 hours Completed
Automation testing through cucumber Cameron 6 hours 6 hours Ongoing
Create unit tests for views Harrison 10 hours 15 hours Completed
Refactor Views for Safety Harrison 5 hours 6 hours Completed Views failed with generic 500 errors. Created logic to catch most possible common errors and handle them accordingly.
Update Models to Reflect Application Harrison 2 hours 2 hours Completed Went through all models to update, standardize, and make changes to better reflect the application.
Standardized POST data fields Harrison 2 hours 2 hours Completed Created a central class to standardize form fields and view logic that relies on post data.
Add logging to application Harrison 4 hours 3 hours Completed

December 15 - December 24, 2016

Tasks Assigned To Estimated Time Actual Time Status Comments
Set up Email Server Cameron, Steven 6 hours 4 hours Completed
Create Group Leader Form Will 3 hours 3 hours Completed
Update Student, Volunteer, Presenter Forms Will 3 hours 3 hours Completed
Create User Success Page for Cancellation and Registration Rebecca 3 hours 3 hours Completed
XFrames Research Rebecca, Will 4 hours 1 hour Completed Deemed outside of the current scope of the project, may be revisited if we have extra time at the end.
Code settings logic for application Harrison 5 hours 5 hours Completed
SecurityMiddleware Research and Implementation Will 2 hours 1 hour Researched, but not implemented. We need to enable the flags for SECURE_BROWSER_XSS_FILTER and SECURE_SSL_REDIRECT. Waiting to get the TWU SSL certificate to try and implement SSL redirection.
Class Based Views Integration Harrison 8 hours 8 hours Completed
Deployment Research and Implementation Harrison 15 hours 8 hours Ongoing
Clean up views Harrison 5 hours 3 hours Completed
Cancel Student Registration Harrison 4 hours 4 hours Completed
Setting up Django locally for team members Harrison, Steven 10 hours 10 hours Completed

December 2016

December 5 - December 14, 2016

Tasks Assigned To Estimated Time Actual Time Status Comments
Design Document Section 2 Will 1 hour 1 hour Completed
Design Document Section 3 Steven, Harrison 2 hours 2 hours Completed
Design Document Section 4 Harrison 1 hour 1 hour Completed
Design Document Section 6 Harrison, Cameron 1 hour 1 hour Completed
Design Document Appendix B Cameron 4 hours 2 hours 50% Complete Will be completed by next semester
Presentation Preparation All 4 hours 4 hours Completed
Design Document Formatting Rebecca, Steven 2 hours 2 hours Completed
Code Demoable Application Harrison 10 hours 12 hours Completed Created the initial working Django appilcation suitable for a demo.

November 28 - December 4, 2016

Getting close to iteration 2!
Tasks Assigned To Estimated Time Actual Time Status Comments
Design Document Section 1 Rebecca 2 hours 2 hours Completed
Design Document Section 2 Will 2 hours 1 hour 50% Complete Will be completed by next WAR
Design Document Section 3 Steven, Harrison 2 hours 0 hours Not started Will be completed by next WAR
Design Document Section 4 Cameron 2 hours 1 hour 50% Complete Will be mostly completed by next WAR
Design Document Section 5 All 2 hours 0 hours Not started Will be completed by the beginning of next semester
Design Document Section 6 Harrison, Cameron 2 hours 1 hour 50% Complete Will be completed by next WAR
Design Document Section 7 All 1 hour 1 hour Complete Will be updated as document is updated
Design Document - Appendix A Rebecca 2 hours 2 hours Completed
Design Document - Appendix B Harrison, Cameron 2 hours 0 hours Not started Will be completed by the beginning of next semester
Software Requirements Edits Steven, Rebecca, Will 3 hours 4 hours Completed Uploaded to Deliverables tab with version number 1.1
Student Registration Backend All 5 hours 5 hours Completed
Volunteer Registration Backend All 2 hours 2 hours Completed
Integrating Test Database and Django Harrison 5 hours 1 hours 70% Complete Works on local machine, not yet on Linux Server.
Research for back-end code (and bugs) Steven 3 hours 4 hours 90% Complete Group members have nearly full-system baseline; troubleshooting MySQL bug

November 2016

November 21-27, 2016

Tasks Assigned To Estimated Time Actual Time Status Comments
Address initial feedback of Software Requirements All 4 hours 1 hour 25% complete
Presenter Registration Form Rebecca 2 hours 2 hours Completed
School Registration Form Rebecca 2 hours 2 hours Completed
Cancellation Form Rebecca 1 hour 1 hour Completed
Algorithm research and comparison Harrison, Will 6 hours 2 hours Ongoing Investigating approximation algorithms.
Student Submission Frontend/Backend Integration Steven, Cameron 4 hours 5 hours 50% Complete

November 14-20, 2016

Tasks Assigned To Estimated Time Actual Time Status Comments
Student Registration Form Will 2 hours 5 hours Completed Took more time than anticipated to learn how to validate user data in real time.
Adult Volunteer Registration Form Will 2 hours 1 hour Completed
Algorithm Research: NP-Completeness, Approximation Algorithms Will, Harrison 6 hours 6 hours 50% complete Proven NP, almost certainly NP-Complete. Need to start researching classic Approximation Algorithms.
Algorithm Implementation: Greedy Student Placement with Random Presentation Grouping Harrison 5 hours 8 hours 95% complete Algorithm works with good results, but the Random Presentation Grouping part of the algorithm isn't random enough and needs improvement.
Student Submission Frontend/Backend Integration Rebecca, Steven 3 hours 1 hour 10% complete Form integrations, algorithm package integrations
Address initial feedback of Project Plan Rebecca, Steven 2 hours 3 hours Completed

November 7-13, 2016

Tasks Assigned To Estimated Time Actual Time Status Comments
Student Registration Form Will 1.5 hours 2 hours 95% Complete Need to figure out how to send form data through POST request
Create Scheduling Testing Framework Harrison 4 hours 5 hours Completed
Create Baseline (Pseudo-Random) Scheduling Class Harrison 5 hours 5 hours Completed
Standardized environment setup (Group Meeting) Lead by: Steven, Harrison 3 hours 3 hours Completed Python virtual environments & Django installation for other group members
Initialization of Django server Steven 2 hours 4 hours Completed Ensured Django initial startup and sync'd with git (for both Win/Mac)
Researched Linux Environments Cameron 2 hours 2 hours Completed

October 31 - November 6, 2016

Documentation Week!
Tasks Assigned To Estimated Time Actual Time Status Comments
Requirements Doc Section 1 Cameron 1 hour 1.5 hours Completed
Requirements Doc Section 2 Will 1 hour 1 hour Completed
Requirements Doc Section 3 Harrison 1 hour 2 hours Completed
Requirements Doc Section 4 Steven 1 hour 1 hour Completed
Requirements Doc Section 5 Harrison 2 hours 3 hours Completed
Requirements Doc Section 6 Rebecca 2 hours 2 hours Completed
Requirements Doc Report Prototypes Rebecca 2 hours 1 hour Completed
Requirements Doc User Interface Will, Rebecca 2 hours 1 hour Completed
Requirements Doc Glossary All 1 hour 1 hour Completed
Requirements Doc Use Cases Cameron, Rebecca 3 hours 3 hours Completed
Requirements Doc Editing/Formatting All 4 hours 4 hours Completed
Coded initial foundation for backend code Harrison 4 hours 6 hours Ongoing Base classes, testing wireframes, scoring functions.
Database Update Steven 1 hour 1 hour Completed Implemented correct foreign-key relations.

October 2016

October 24-30, 2016

Tasks Assigned To Estimated Time Actual Time Status Comments
Met with Dr. Zhang at TWU Steven, Cameron 3 hours 2 hour Completed Gathered tech capabilities, username/password from Dr. Zhang.
Software Requirements Doc (Section 2) Will 2 hours 2 hours 90% Complete Need to finalize some requirements with the group during Monday's meeting.
Complete GUI Wireframe Prototypes Will, Rebecca, Harrison 2 hours 2 hours Completed Added schedule manipulation page and cancellation page, updated other pages.
Created database schema Cameron, Steven, Harrison 2 hours 3 hours Completed Created EER diagrams and SQL creation-scripts.
Tested Linux Server Accounts Cameron, Steven 1 hour 1 hour Completed Tested user accounts for the Linux server and MySQL database.
Use Cases Rebecca, Cameron, Harrison 4 hours 4 hours 50% Complete Diagrams created and some description tables completed.
Updated Project Plan Rebecca 1 hour 1 hour Completed Added copyright and fixed iteration dates.
Documentation formatting Steven 1 hour 2 hours Completed Apply Dr. Payne's recommendations on formatting and data columns; E.g. page numbering and WAR columns.

October 15-21, 2016

Tasks Assigned To Estimated Time Actual Time Status Comments
Met with Dr. Ball to discuss database tables Cameron, Harrison, Steven 1 hour 1 hour Completed N/A
Aggregated client-forms data into single reference document (available on OneDrive) Cameron, Harrison, Steven 6 hours 6 hours Completed "Data for DB.docx"
Brazos Website Will 8 hours 8 hours Completed Brazos Website
Design prototype GUI wireframes Will, Rebecca 2 hours 2 hours 90% Complete Need to create wireframe for manual editing of schedule.

October 4-17, 2016

Tasks Assigned To Estimated Time
- Coordination with client to gather previous forms and reports
- Sections 2 & 4 of PP
Cameron Diou 8 hours
- Project Plan layout and formatting
- Sections 3 & 5 of Project Plan
- Created SCM repository for development
Steven Garcia 8 hours
-Sections 4 of Project Plan
- Project Plan layouts and formatting
Rebecca Ruch 8 hours
-Section 1 of Project Plan
- Project Plan proofreading
Harrison Engel 8 hours
-Section 4 of Project Plan
- Started work on Brazos website
Will Taylor 8 hours