Task(s) | Team Member | Status | Estimation | Duration | Comments |
Final Improvements | All Members | Incomplete | 15 Hours |
Tasks(s) | Team Member | Status | Estimation | Duration | Comments |
Developer Manual | Muoi, Phong | Complete | 6 Hour | 8 Hours | Created initial draft of the developer manual along with fixing a bug with the calendar display, updating the photo gallery, merchandise payment |
SRS Specifications and Presentation Slides | Hayden | Complete | 5 Hours | 8 Hours | Updates SRS with sections 4,5,6 and other improvements, along with updating the final presentation slides and various small fixes to the Site |
Review Vision Document | John, Tek | Complete | 6 Hours | 7 Hours | Reviewed vision document before final submission along with mobile bug fixes, validation for consult, fixed bug with gun license validation. Moved contact us and about us to new pages, and added social media buttons |
Tasks(s) | Team Member | Status | Estimation | Duration | Comments |
User Manual and Classes Pages | Tek | Complete | 5 Hours | 5 Hours | Worked on finishing the user manual and finishing the individual class pages |
Fogotten Password Feature | Muoi | Complete | 4 Hours | 4 Hours | Had to spend a lot of time researching how to implement this feature given the set up we already have, still need to do more |
Update Use Cases | Phong | Complete | 4 Hours | 4 Hours | Spent some time going and updating the use cases to fit with how the site currently functions as well as fixing bugs and features at David's request |
SRS Specifications | Hayden | Complete | 4 Hours | 6 Hours | Created a rough draft of the SRS document, as well as researching how to get a private google calendar to embed and ability for David to change the docuemnts on the company portal page |
Mobile Issues | John | Complete | 4 Hours | 6 Hours | Fixed the mobile issues we were having. Fixing one thing messup another, so it took some time and polished some client side validation |
Tasks(s) | Team Member | Status | Estimation | Duration | Comments |
User Manual | Tek | Incomplete | 4 Hours | 4 Hours | Started creating the first draft of the user manual |
Server Maintenence | Muoi | Complete | 1 Hour | 1 Hour | Worked on optimizing the memory utilization of the app |
Database changes and Email Functionalities | Phong | Complete | 5 Hours | 7 Hours | Had to redesign the database for the merchandise, add ability to add new instructor bios, and added email's when customer buys merch or requests consult |
Updating Churches and Designs | Hayden | Complete | 4 Hours | 4 Hours | Added the ability for David to edit and delete Church locations, updated the designs of the add new church form and the feedback form, moved mission statement to the top of home page |
Changes to Validation and Design | John | Complete | 4 Hours | 3 Hours | Removed the validation of the gun license per Davids request and researched issues were having with the mobile version on the app |
Tasks(s) | Team Member | Status | Estimation | Duration | Comments |
Class creation fixes, photo gallery | Phong | Complete | 5 Hours | 6 Hours | Added photo gallery function to add new photos and delete old one for admin only, fixed bug in class signup that allowed end date to be before start date, fixed layout of all forms to be centered |
Admin view of guard profile | Muoi | Complete | 2 Hours | 2 Hours | Fixed the guard profile to update the isApproved attribute to only change when a guard changes their gun license, and changed the view to admin sees when they look at a guards infomation to remove unnecessary informtion |
Church Doc Upload and Poster | Hayden | Complete | 4 Hours | 6 Hours | Fixed issue uploading document for churches and update church info to only show docs uploaded by selected church. Continued to update SRS poster |
Tasks(s) | Team Member | Status | Estimation | Duration | Comments |
SRS Rough Draft | Hayden | Complete | 1 Hour | 2 Hours | Worked on creating rough draft of SRS poster |
License # Fixes and UI | John | Complete | 3 Hours | 4 Hours | Fixed the view of guard profile to separate out license # into their make, model, serial number, and calibur, and made inprovement to the overall design of the site |
Send Email server issues | Phong | Complete | 4 Hours | 4 Hours | Heroku didn't allow the native way for Ruby to send email, so had to implement new way to do it, and changed scrolling photos to pull from the photo gallery |
Admin Approve License Change | Muoi | Complete | 1 Hour | 2 Hours | Researched a way to store the old gun license until Admin sees and approves the new license |
Test Cases | Tek | Complete | 2 Hours | 3 Hours | Wrote test cases for class sign-up, class creation, merchandise creation, and consultation and well as assiting in drafting the SRS poster |
Tasks(s) | Team Member | Status | Estimation | Duration | Comments |
Merchandise Bugs and Fixes | Phong | Complete | 4 Hours | 4 Hours | Refining features for merchandise page and fixing bugs |
SRS Poster and Bolo Design | Hayden | Complete | 2 Hours | 2 Hours | Began looking at past years SRS posters to get a sense of what needs to be included and began drawing SRS draft. Also began designing features for guards to add BOLO information on company portal page |
Guard profile validation fixes and UI | John | Complete | 3 Hours | 3 Hours | Fixed a bug that would not allow a guard profile update when they select a new avatar or upload new document and overall changed to the UI design |
Server Maintenanace | Muoi | Complete | 2 Hours | 3 Hours | Performed maintenance to the server and update the dyno from the free version to the hobby version to increase load time along with various bug fixes |
Class Page Changes | Tek | Complete | 2 Hours | 2 Hours | Made changes to the class/training pages to make the design but with the design of the rest of the site |
Tasks(s) | Team Member | Status | Estimation | Duration | Comments |
Church Doc Upload Fixes | Hayden | Complete | 6 Hours | 5 Hours | Worked on fixing some error occuring within the church document upload process and changing the display of those files when each church is selected |
Validation and Bug Fixes | Phong | Complete | 5 Hours | 4 Hours | Worked on various fixes to validation within the guard edit page and what happends after the validation fails |
Admin Add multiple files | Muoi | Complete | 4 Hours | 4 Hours | Gave the admin the ability to add multiple files for each guard |
Continued with Individual Class Pages | Tek | Complete | 4 Hours | 4 Hours | Finished creating the individual pages for each class |
Tasks(s) | Team Member | Status | Estimation | Duration | Comments |
Continue with Feedback Page | Hayden | Complete | 6 Hours | 5 Hours | Finished feedback page and ability for admin to look at all feedback provided |
Continue with Merchandise Page | Phong | Complete | 5 Hours | 7 Hours | Finished mechandise page where admin can upload new merch or remove old and customer can add items to cart and checkout |
Heroku Hosting | Muoi | Complete | 8 Hours | 4 Hours | Got the app up and running on heroku, accessible at https://sleepy-chamber-55897.herokuapp.com/ |
Create Individual Class Pages | Tek | Incomplete | 8 Hours | 4 Hours | Finished the overall class description page, and stared working on the individual pages for each class |
Validation and Design Improvements | John | Complete | 5 Hours | 7 Hours | Fixed jquery bug when refreshing page, improved button clickability, dumbed down home page contact us section, and improved look of menu button dropdown |
Tasks(s) | Team Member | Status | Estimation | Duration | Comments |
Team Meeting | All Members | Complete | 1 Hour | 1 Hour | Discussed what it would take to get Heroku up and running as well as discuss any issues we've run into throughout the week |
Design Feedback Page | Hayden, Tek | Incomplete | 5 Hours | 8 Hours | Started designing the feedback page as well as worked on improving UI and javascript validation on various other pages |
Design Merchandise Page | Phong | Incomplete | 4 Hours | 6 Hours | Stared creating the merchandise page and the ability for admin to create and remove items. Also worked on optomizing views to include less overall HTML while still maintain design |
Improve the Way the Gun License is stored | John | Incomplete | 5 Hours | 6 Hours | Started working on separating out the gun license fields. Also worked on UI improvements, field validation, and mobile friendly enhancements. |
Verify Gun License | Muoi | Complete | 6 Hours | 6 Hours | Created a new field in user database which states where or not that guards license has been approved as well ad the ability for admin to upload document for guard |
Tasks(s) | Team Member | Status | Estimation | Duration | Comments |
Team Meeting | All Members | Complete | 1 Hour | 1 Hour | Team meeting with David to go over new feautes David got with GoDaddy to see if they will work in the site and clarified the uploading ability functionality to be only for the admin |
Finish Church Document and Company Page | Hayden | Incomplete | 5 Hours | 6 Hours | Spent a while getting each church calendar to show when you change locations and almost have the ability for each to church to have multiple documents |
Create page to request a consult | Phong | Complete | 4 Hours | 5 Hours | Created the page to requrest a consult as well as fixed issue with the timezone of the calendar and added a incomplete payment status when only part of the bill is payed |
Finish design of training pages | Tek | Complete | 5 Hours | 8 Hours | Created and designed the pages for the medical, weapon, personal, and firearm training classes |
Improve Validation of Form Submit | John | Complete | 5 Hours | 20 Hours | Worked on changing the way the form is validated to notifying the user when they leave the field rather than when the form is submitted. Also worked on general UI Design and Logo design |
Functionality for guards to add multiple documents | Muoi | Complete | 6 Hours | 8 Hours | Worked on switching the ability for a guard to upload the document to Admin uploading the document for them as well as guard adding multiple files |
Tasks(s) | Team Member | Status | Duration | Estimation | Comments |
Team Meeting | All Members | Complete | 1 Hour | 1 Hour | Discussed progress throughout the week and, Muoi described how to add the file selector so that it could be implemented for the church page |
Church Page updates and Company Page | Hayden | Incomplete | 4 Hours | 5 Hours | Work on addng ability for a church to upload thier documents, and worked on creating the links in the company portal |
Email functionality and Class Sign-up | Phong | Complete | 4 Hours | 7 Hours | Worked on creating email notifications when a customer signs-up, as well as a way for David to view all the sign-ups per class and delete/modify their infomation |
Test Cases for Field Validation | Tek | Complete | 4 Hours | 3 Hours | Wrote test cases for the field validations for class sign-up |
Testing and Design updates | John | Complete | 4 Hours | 9 Hours | Worked on updating the class sign-up to validate the fields as they enter the information rather than after they sumbit the form, and well as fixing a bug to update the database when changing a guards info |
Guards Documents and Image Updates | Muoi | Complete | 4 Hours | 7 Hours | Worked on the ablility for the admin to see the guards information and documents, and setting a default image and document to avoid error for newly created guards |
Task(s) | Team Member | Status | Estimation | Duration | Comments |
Client Meeting | All Members | Complete | 1 Hour | 1 Hour | Met with David to do our sprint review meeting with a demo and discussed new features offered by godaddy and various other issues/concerns |
Finish ability for guard edit info and Upload Docs | Muoi | Complete | 6 Hours | 12 Hours | Created amazon S3 bucket for storing uploaded photos and files and created a function for a guard to upload those docs |
Continue Working on Church Page functionalities | Hayden | Incomplete | 4 Hours | 4 Hours | Researched and implemented javascript to change the active guards for each church selected and changed overall layout of the church page |
UC-08 and Calendar Updates | Phong | Complete | 4 Hours | 4 Hours | Create the functionality for the admin to create a new login for guard and finalized calendar functions and merged into main branch |
Overall Site Design | John, Tek | Complete | 5 Hours | 8 Hours | Played around with different designs for user pages, classes pages, home page, and company page for something that is more consistent and overall a better design |
Task(s) | Team Member | Status | Estimation | Duration | Comments |
Team Meeting | All Members | Completed | 1 Hour | 1 Hour | Discussed the new calendar design as well as possible solutions to file upload requirement for both guards and church pages |
Writing Test Cases for Login | Tek, John | Completed | 1 Hour | 2 Hours | Wrote test cases for all possiblities of a guard login including blank fields, incorrect fields, and verifying successful login result |
Creating Church Pages and Classes Pages | Hayden | Incomplete | 4 Hours | 6 Hours | Continued to work on building the church page's ability to change the information displayed based on the selected church and began building the pages to display the class descriptions |
Guard Profile Picture and Storage | Muoi | Incomplete | 5 Hours | 6 Hours | Updated the guard profile page to include a profile photo and began working on a solution with amazon S3 to store the photos |
Finish Updating Calendar | Phong | Completed | 7 Hours | 5 Hours | Intergrating full calendar with old calendar's functions, Stripe payment for class registration. |
Task(s) | Team Member | Status | Duration | Comments |
Team Meeting | All Members | Completed | 1 Hour | Discussed possible solutions to building a calendar for each guard and the possible outcomes for the email solution when we switch off of godaddy to another provider |
Email reserch and home page edits | Tek Ghimire | Completed | 5 Hours | Researched methods to implement an automated confirmation email for customer class sign up and updated css of home page for better look |
Church Pages | Hayden | Incomplete | 2 Hours | Continued to work on building the church page's ability to change the information displayed based on the selected church |
Updating Calendar | Phong | Incomplete | 3 Hours | Began researching new calendar api and implementing it into our sign up system to allow for a customer to click on the class and be taken directly to the sign-up page |
Task(s) | Team Member | Status | Duration | Comments |
Team Meeting | All Members | Completed | 1 Hour | Discussed use cases that are to be completed during second iteration and the required tasks that need to be completed |
Church Pages | Hayden | Incomplete | 2 Hours | Begin to work on creating the church page and associated database table |
Stipe Payment System | Phong | Completed | 2 Hours | Continued to work on integrating the stipe payment system into the class sign-up process |
Task(s) | Team Member | Status | Duration | Comments |
Learning Rails Framework | All Memebers | Completed | 15 Hours | Continued to learn more about the rails framework through instructional videos as well as learn more about related technologies relevant to completeing requirements |
Profile Design | Muoi | Incomplete | 3 Hours | Created profile page to display guards information |
Stipe Payment System | Phong | Incomplete | 3 Hours | Investigated Stipe payment as alternative to Paypal and began to implement it as the system to pay for a class |
Task(s) | Team Member | Status | Duration | Comments |
Calendar Functions | Phong | Completed | 3 Hours | Continued to imporve calendar functions for adding and modifying new classes to the calendar |
User Login and Authentication | Muoi | Completed | 3 Hours | Continued to update and improve the user authentication for login |
Customer Class Sign-Up | Phong | Incomplete | 2 Hours | Created HTMl and backed for customer class sign-up function |
Task(s) | Team Member | Status | Duration | Comments |
Database Design | Hayden | Completed | 1 Hour | Continued to design the database layout |
Website Design | Tek, John | Completed | 3 Hours | Created initial design of the sheepdog website homepage |
User Login and Authentication | Muoi | Incomplete | 3 Hours | Created the HTML and backed work basic user login and authentication. |
Calendar Functions | Phong | Incomplete | 4 Hours | Integrated google calendar API into home page HTML and started working on functions for adding events |
Task(s) | Team Member | Status | Duration | Comments |
Meeting with Bing | Hayden, Phong, Muoi, Tek, John | Completed | 1 Hour | Discussed project prototype and improvements |
Prototype | Muoi | Completed | 2 Hours | Modified prototype with more detailed info about UC01 and UC05 |
Glossary | Hayden | Completed | 1 Hour | Created initial draft of glossary |
Database Design | Hayden, Phong | Incomplete | 1 Hour | Created database design for table name and fields |
Website Template | Tek, John | Completed | 1 Hour | Researched open source templates for initial website design |
Task(s) | Team Member | Status | Duration | Comments |
Meeting with Bing | Hayden, Phong, John | Completed | 1 Hour | Discussed use cases and changes that need to be made |
Meeting with Client | Hayden, Phone, Muoi, Tek, John | Completed | 1 Hour | David provided us with a more in-depth flowchart of the website along with accosiated documents and spreadsheets he currently uses |
Use Case Corrections | Hayden, Phong, Muoi, Tek, John | Completed | 2 Hours | Updated Use Cases to new template and made corrections suggested in meeting with Bing |
Task(s) | Team Member | Status | Duration | Comments |
Weekly Team Meeting | Hayden, Phong, Muoi, Tek, John | Completed | 1 Hour | Discussed meeting with Client and talked about technologies to be used |
Prototype | Muoi | Completed | 2 Hours | Created the initial draft of the Prototype using balsamiq |
Task(s) | Team Member | Status | Duration | Comments |
Weekly Meeting | Hayden, Phong, Muoi, Tek, John | Completed | 1 Hour | Assigned story points to use cases, discussed iteration plans and SDP |
Iteration Plans | Tek, John | Completed | 2 Hours | Created the initial drafts of the iteration plans for the first three iterations |
SDP Document | Phong, Muoi, Hayden | Completed | 1 Hour | Created the initial draft of the SDP Document |
IAB Slides | Hayden | Completed | 1 Hour | Created the slides for the Industry Advisory Board meeting |
Task(s) | Team Member | Status | Duration | Comments |
Use Cases | Hayden, Phong, Muoi, Tek, John | Completed | 4 Hours | Created the initial draft of the Use Cases |
Project Website | Phong, Muoi | Completed | 3 Hours | Created the project website |
Task(s) | Team Member | Status | Duration | Comments |
Vision Document | Hayden, Phong, Muoi, Tek, John | Completed | 6 Hours | Created the initial draft of the Vision Documnent |
Initial Client Meeting | Hayden, Phong, Muoi, John | Completed | 1 Hour | Met with David to discuss website requirements and design |
Requirements Drafting | Hayden, Phong, Muoi | Completed | 1 Hour | Created initial draft of requirement to confirm with David during client meeting |
Tasks(s) | Team Member | Status | Duration | Comments |
Guard Persona | Hayden Southworth | Complete | 1 Hour | Started initial draft of the Guard persona |
Admin Persona | Phong Nguyen, Muoi Pham | Complete | 1 Hour | Created initial draft of the Admin persona |
Customer Persona | JT Hodnett, Tek Ghimire | Completed | 1 Hour | Created initial draft of the Customer persona |