Our programming practice platform, CodeKarin, is the brainchild of Dr. Krishna Kadiyala. At its core, Code Karin is fundamentally an effort to address student retention and performance in introductory programming classes. Dr. Kadiyala observed that in her introductory programming classes, first-time programming students often felt unsure of themselves in comparison with their peers who have had prior programming experience. Often, first-time programmers missed out on the opportunity to participate and engage in classes, with their peers and professors. Unfortunately, it also meant that these students often did not ask for help and eventually, were most likely to drop out of the programming class. Dr. Kadiyala also made an alarming observation that it was very easy for these students to assume that they were simply not “programming savvy”, or “as good as their peers”. Code Karin was born as an initial step towards helping students transition into programming classes and increase student engagement in and outside of class by building a sense of community and belonging.
Team Leader / Backend Developer
API Gateway
Frontend Developer
Lead Documenter / Website Manager
Testing / Documenter